Thursday, December 4, 2008

Falling in love with yorkies

The very first time I set my eyes on a Yorkie was when I was a kid. It was not even a real dog but was just a photo of a Yorkie in an encyclopedia. I felt something special and captivating about this toy-terrier. Considering, my young age at the time, it must be the long silky coat and the cute red topknot bow as associated with a little girl's fondness of dolls with long locks and ribbons. From there on, the Yorkie has become a part of my life's wish list.

Though Yorkshire Terrier has been existing for more than a century already, this elegant breed has not yet gain much popularity in the Philippines and there was only a few breeders who breed and show Yorkies when I was younger. It was only in the late 199o's or early 2000 that the Yorkshire Terrier started to gain popularity as the world gets smaller with technological advancements. Due to the publicity the breed has gained through the celebrities of developed countries such as the United States and the increased availability and easy access of information over the internet, the Filipinos started to ride the pet lifestyle and pet industry trend.

The number of breeders soar in response to the demand from Filipino Yorkie lovers and the promise of profits through breeding and selling Yorkies. Being clueless of the standards, I took this event as something positive and was able to acquire my very first pet Yorkshire Terrier in August of 2007 from a backyard breeder. I got my Yorkie for a low price, which was just around US$250.00. The breeder was honest that he was of pet quality. I did not know what it meant and got scared that my Yorkie was not healthy enough and had my veterinarian run some tests on my dog. Luckily, my dog is healthy. I was really paranoid yet the worries actually drove me to research and learn about the true Yorkshire Terrier and further fell in love with the breed. above:Reeses when I got him

From admiring the aesthetic beauty of Yorkies, I was drawn closer into having my own. From learning and discovering more about this breed, I was owned. My love and care for my yorkie became a passion and dedication to protect the breed for I want the generations after me to also experience the same wonder and joy having this beautiful breed as companions.

Reeses, now an adult

*photo is not to advertise the product but to show the source of the name of dog*

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