The Yorkshire Terrier, (often called simply the Yorkie), is a breed of small dog in the terrier category. The long-haired terrier is known for its playful demeanor and distinctive blue and tan coat. Yorkies can be very small, usually weighing not more than 7 pounds (3.18 kilograms); the standard of this breed does not mention the minimum weight accepted nor does it specify a height. Based on registrations of the American Kennel Club, Yorkshire Terriers became the second most popular dog breed in the United States in 2006 , trailing only the Labrador Retriever.
Yorkshire Terrier Standard
General Appearance: The General Appearance descriptions for all of the Standards shown are very similar with different wording used.
CKC: That of a well-balanced long-coated toy terrier, readily identified by its straight-flowing silky body coat of bright shiny lustrous steel blue and clear-shaded golden tan. The hair is parted on the muzzle and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail. The Yorkie is square and well proportioned. The dog?s high head carriage and alert expression give the appearance of self-confidence, a sparkling and vigorous manner.
AKC: That of a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of body. The body is neat, compact and well proportioned. The dog's high head carriage and confident manner should give the appearance of vigor and self-importance.
UKC: The Yorkshire Terrier's appearance is that of a well-balanced, long-coated, small (Toy-type) terrier, readily identified by its straight-flowing body coat. The hair is parted on the muzzle and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail. The body is square and evenly proportioned. The dog's high head carriage and confident manner gives the appearance of vigor and self-importance.
KC: Long-coated, coat hanging quite straight and evenly down each side, a parting extending from nose to end of tail. Very compact and neat, carriage very upright conveying an important air. General outline conveying impression of vigorous and well proportioned body.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard)
CKC: The keenly alert air of the terrier is characteristic. He is intelligent, friendly, and willing to please.
AKC: (Not indicated in the Standard.)
UKC: Characteristics: Although small, the Yorkshire Terrier is spirited, reflecting its terrier strains, and very healthy and strong. Yorkies love to romp and play in spite of the amount and length of its coat. Modern Yorkies are very distinctive with their dark, steel-blue coat and rich tan color on head, legs, chest and breeches. Yorkshire Terriers are very intelligent and lovable and, because of their size, make excellent traveling companions. They exhibit a keenly alert terrier-type temperament.
KC: Characteristics: Alert, intelligent toy terrier. Temperament: Spirited with even disposition.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard)
(Same for all Standards indicated here.)
CKC: The weight not to exceed 7 lb. (3 kg).
AKC: Weight must not exceed seven pounds.
UKC: The Yorkshire Terrier weighs no more than seven pounds.
KC: Weight up to 3.2 kgs (7 lbs).
FCI: Weight up to 3,1 kg (7 lbs).
Coat Color:
CKC: Quality and texture of coat is of prime importance. The hair is glossy, silky, and fine in texture reflecting a certain brilliance and feels cool to the touch. The coat on the body hangs perfectly straight, not wavy, showing the outline of the well-bodied Yorkie. On the mature dog, the coat will eventually reach floor length. The fall on the head is long and tied in the centre with one bow. The hair on the muzzle is moderately long. Puppies are born black with tan markings showing a gradual progression to the colour of the mature adult dog to which the following colour requirements apply.
Body Colour: The body coat is a bright steel blue, not light silver and not BLACK, not mingled with fawn, bronzy or black hairs. The blue extends over the body from the back of the neck to the root of the tail.
Head, Chest and Legs: A clear golden tan deeper in colour at sides of head, at ear roots! and on the muzzle,with ears a deep golden tan. The golden tan hair is shaded from the roots down and does not extend down the back of the neck, nor above the elbows on forelegs or above the stifle on the hind legs.
AKC: Coat: Quality, texture and quantity of coat are of prime importance. Hair is glossy, fine and silky in texture. Coat on the body is moderately long and perfectly straight (not wavy). It may be trimmed to floor length to give ease of movement and a neater appearance, if desired. The fall on the head is long, tied with one bow in center of head or parted in the middle and tied with two bows. Hair on muzzle is very long. Hair should be trimmed short on tips of ears and may be trimmed on feet to give them a neat appearance.
Colors: Puppies are born black and tan and are normally darker in body color, showing an intermingling of black hair in the tan until they are matured. Color of hair on body and richness of tan on head and legs are of prime importance in adult dogs, to which the following color requirements apply:
Blue: Is a dark steel-blue, not a silver-blue and not mingled with fawn, bronzy or black hairs.
Tan: All tan hair is darker at the roots than in the middle, shading to still lighter tan at the tips. There should be no sooty or black hair intermingled with any of the tan.
Color on Body: The blue extends over the body from back of neck to root of tail. Hair on tail is a darker blue, especially at end of tail.
Headfall: A rich golden tan, deeper in color at sides of head, at ear roots and on the muzzle, with ears a deep rich tan. Tan color should not extend down on back of neck.
Chest and Legs: A bright, rich tan, not extending above the elbow on the forelegs nor above the stifle on the hind legs.
UKC: Coat: The hair is glossy, silky and fine in texture, reflecting a certain brilliance, and feels cool to the touch. The coat on the body hangs straight, showing the outline of a well-bodied Yorkie. The coat of an adult dog will eventually reach floor length. The fall on the head is long and tied up in the center with a bow. The hair on the muzzle is moderately long. The body hair may be trimmed to floor length to give ease of movement and a neat appearance. The feet may also be trimmed for neatness. When exhibiting the Yorkshire Terrier, adhering to the U.K.C. philosophy of the "Total Dog," it is permissible to show a dog that has been "cut down," and the dog should not be faulted for lack of floor-length coat.
Faults: Cotton- or wool-textured coat in adults.
Color: Puppies are born black and tan and are normally darker in body color, showing an intermingling of black hair in the tan until they are mature. The mature coat color occurs gradually, therefore puppies should not be faulted for lack of color change until they are two years old. The colors in adult dogs are:
Blue - a dark steel-blue.
Tan - All tan hairs are darker at the roots than in the middle, shading to a still lighter tan at the tips.
On the body and headfall - (Same as AKC Standard.)
The hair on the chest and legs is (Same as AKC Standard.)
Faults: In adult dogs, fawn or bronze hairs mingling with silver-blue color. Sooty or black hair intermingled with the tan.
Disqualifications: Any change in coat color by artificial means. Albinism.
KC: Coat: Hair on body moderately long, perfectly straight (not wavy), glossy; fine silky texture, not woolly. Fall on head long, rich golden tan, deeper in colour at sides of head, about ear roots and on muzzle where it should be very long. Tan on head not to extend on to neck, nor must any sooty or dark hair intermingle with any of tan.
Colour: Dark steel blue (not silver blue), extending from occiput to root of tail, never mingled with fawn, bronze or dark hairs. Hair on chest rich, bright tan. All tan hair darker at the roots than in middle, shading to still lighter at tips.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard)
All of the Standards shown are very similar in describing the skull, head, nose, eyes, ears, and teeth. Minor differences do exist in the details however and all text is shown.
CKC: Skull should be rather small and flat, not too prominent or round.
Muzzle not too long in proportion to skull, set on a 90 degree angle to the head forming the stop.
Nose jet black.
Mouth either level or scissor bite with strong sound teeth.
Eyes oval, dark and sparkling, having a sharp, intelligent expression, placed so as to look directly forward. They should not be prominent and the eye rims should be dark in colour.
Ears small V-shaped, carried erect, set high on the head, with the hair trimmed short on the tips.
AKC: Small and rather flat on top, the skull not too prominent or round, the muzzle not too long, with the bite neither undershot nor overshot and teeth sound. Either scissors bite or level bite is acceptable. The nose is black. Eyes are medium in size and not too prominent; dark in color and sparkling with a sharp, intelligent expression. Eye rims are dark. Ears are small, V-shaped, carried erect and set not too far apart.
UKC:The skull is rather small and flat, and is not too prominent or round.
The muzzle is not too long in proportion to the skull and is set on a 90-degree angle to the head, forming a definite stop.
TEETH - A full complement of strong white teeth meet in a level or scissors bite.
Faults: Overshot bite. Undershot bite.
EYES - The eyes are oval in shape, dark in color, and are sparkling; with a sharp, intelligent expression. The eye rims are dark in color.
Faults: Prominent eyes. Other than dark eye rims.
NOSE - The nose is black.
EARS - The ears are small and V-shaped and carried erect. They are set high on the head, with the hair trimmed short on the tips.
Faults: Bat, cropped, or down ears.
KC: Head and Skull: Rather small and flat, not too prominent or round in skull, nor too long in muzzle; black nose.
Eyes: Medium, dark, sparkling, with sharp intelligent expression and placed to look directly forward. Not prominent. Edge of eyelids dark.
Ears: Small, V-shaped, carried erect, not too far apart, covered with short hair, colour very deep, rich tan.
Mouth: Perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Teeth well placed with even jaws.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard)
CKC: Medium length, blending smoothly into the shoulders to create the elegant head carriage. (Same as UKC Standard)
AKC: (Not indicated in standard.)
UKC: The neck is of medium length and blends smoothly into the shoulders to create the characteristic elegant head carriage.
KC: Good reach.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard)
CKC: Topline must be level. The chest has a good spring of rib, oval in shape, with gradual rounding toward the base with sufficient depth for the elbows. The loin to be short and strong.
AKC: Well proportioned and very compact. The back is rather short, the back line level, with height at shoulder the same as at the rump.
UKC: The topline must be level, with the height at the top of the withers the same as the height at the rump. The chest has a good spring of rib. The ribs are oval in shape, with a gradual rounding toward the base with sufficient depth to accommodate the elbows. The back is short. The loins are short and strong.
Faults: Unlevel topline. Roached back. Sloping croup.
KC: Compact with moderate spring of rib, good loin. Level back.
FCI: Compact. Back : Level. Loins : Well sustained. Ribs : Moderate spring of ribs.
CKC: Forequarters: Legs quite straight, elbows neither in nor out, pasterns strong and straight with ideal shoulder angulation of 45 degrees. Feet are round with black toenails. Dewclaws should be removed.
Hindquarters: Sturdy, well-muscled hindquarters with proper angulation, sound stifles and hocks turning neither in nor out. Feet are round with black toenails.
AKC: Forelegs should be straight, elbows neither in nor out. Hind legs straight when viewed from behind, but stifles are moderately bent when viewed from the sides. Feet are round with black toenails. Dewclaws, if any, are generally removed from the hind legs. Dewclaws on the forelegs may be removed.
UKC: Forequarters: The forelegs are straight. The elbows are well held in, but do not restrict movement. The pasterns are strong and straight. The ideal shoulder angulation is 45 degrees, with a good lay to.
Faults: Elbows out or in.
Hindquarters: The hindquarters are sturdy, well muscled and have proper angulation. The hind legs, when viewed from behind, are straight. When viewed from the side, the stifles are well angulated. The stifles are sound and the hocks are straight, turning neither in nor out.
KC: Forequarters: Well laid shoulders, legs straight, well covered with hair of rich golden tan a few shades lighter at ends than at roots, not extending higher on forelegs than elbow.
Hindquarters: Legs quite straight when viewed from behind, moderate turn of stifle. Well covered with hair of rich golden tan a few shades lighter at ends than at roots, not extending higher on hindlegs than stifles.
FCI: Forequarters: (Same as KC Standard.)
Hindquarters : (Same as KC Standard.)
CKC: Feet are round with black toenails. Dewclaws should be removed from forelegs.
AKC: Feet are round with black toenails. Dewclaws, if any, are generally removed from the hind legs. Dewclaws on the forelegs may be removed.
UKC: The feet are round with black toenails. Dewclaws may be removed from the forelegs and are generally removed from the hind legs.
KC: Not indicated
FCI: Round; nails black.
CKC: Dock to a medium length, with plenty of hair, darker blue in colour than the rest of the body, especially at the end of the tail, carried higher than the level of the back.
AKC: Docked to a medium length and carried slightly higher than the level of the back.
UKC: The tail is docked to a medium length. The tail set is level with the topline, with the tail carried slightly higher than the level of the back.
Fault: Low tail set.
KC: Customarily docked.
Docked: Medium length with plenty of hair, darker blue in colour than rest of body, especially at end of tail. Carried a little higher than level of back.
Undocked: Plenty of hair, darker blue in colour than rest of body, especially at end of tail. Carried a little higher than level of back. As straight as possible. Length to give a well balanced appearance.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard.)
CKC: Smooth and flowing, moving in a straight line, with a free and easy stride.
AKC: (Not Indicated in Standard.)
UKC: The dogs exhibit a smooth and flowing movement, in straight line, with good reach and strong drive. As speed increases, the dogs single track. The topline remains level while gaiting.
KC: Gait/Movement: Free with drive; straight action front and behind, retaining level topline.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard.)
CKC: Excessive shyness; cottony or woolly texture coat; black body coat on a mature dog; fawn or bronzy hair intermingled with blue; sooty or black hairs intermingled with the golden tan of adult dogs; overshot or undershot bite; rounded bat ears, cropped ears; roached back, sloping croup.
AKC: (Not indicated in Standard.)
- Cotton- or wool-textured coat in adults.
- In adult dogs, fawn or bronze hairs mingling with silver-blue color. Sooty or black hair intermingled with the tan.
- Overshot bite. Undershot bite.
- Prominent eyes. Other than dark eye rims.
- Bat, cropped, or down ears.
- Unlevel topline. Roached back. Sloping croup
- Elbows out or in.
- Low tail set.
KC: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
FCI: (Same as KC Standard)
Disqualifications: (For Showing)
CKC: Ears held erect by tying the hair into the topknot. Any adulteration in the colour of the coat by artificial means.
AKC: (Not Indicated in Standard.)
UKC: Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness or extreme shyness. Any change in coat color by artificial means. Albinism.
KC: (Not indicated in the KC Standard.)
FCI: Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
Images from http://www.ausilk.com:
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